Monday, February 15, 2010

Kraft Mozzarella Singles

The last time I saw halal-friendly processed cheese slices they were Loblaws' No-Name brand, some fat-free 'cheddar' singles.

They didn't taste too great; perhaps why they were pulled, in Calgary at least. (My brother says they're still available in Vancouver.)

Anyways, in my usual perusal of stuff I wished I could eat as a kid - Lucky Charms, et al - I came across this, the first Singles Kraft has made without any animal ingredients like pepsin, rennet, or lipase. I also decided to make it the product I would use to revive this little blog.

If you've been longing for halal cheese slices, here you go. These go for $5.00 (CAD) at Superstore, and while they aren't the usual cheddar processed slices, they are easier on the calories (60/slice). Processed cheese slices are never healthy, but with moderation and laying off the real crap like mayo, they're fine.


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